Category: SyPhEn

The Original Geek

Pure SCUM Hardcore Server Day 1 – Run Bunny Run!

I didn’t think to start recording when I first created my new toon for the Pure SCUM Hardcore Server, but I thought about it in time to capture my first hit from a puppet. Hardcore Server Settings:* Forced First Person* 0.5X Loot* Random Respawn only at $750 each* No Safe Zones, not even the Trader*…
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First Post To SyPhEn OG

Hello Internet! SyPhEn is still kickin! I have been gaming since 2 sticks and a block! PC Gaming has come a massively long way since my first PC games! Stick around and allow me to regale you with tales of my gamings adventures and my geeky life! Thanks for stopping by!